Sacred Flux
  • Exploring the Inner Sound.

    You may have heard it once before. Everything is silent yet a noise still persists. The longer you listen, the more you realize it isn't noise. Tinnitus? No, this doesn't "feel" like it's originating in your ears. There is no mistake that you ARE in fact hearing something. I have a lengthy relationship with this sound and thought that this would be a good time to share my own personal experience with what is known as the "Anahata Nada".

  • New Free Quartz Bowl Session

    We have just uploaded a new session to the Youtube channel! This one is dedicated to the Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras. Initially, it was only supposed to be a short session, but sometimes the bowls just want to be played a little while longer. I hope that you all enjoy the session.

  • Youtube Channel Launch!

    In case you haven’t heard, Sacred Flux now has a Youtube channel! Tomorrow October 1st at 9am (CST) will premiere a mini sound healing session focusing on the 3 most upper Chakras (Crown, Third Eye, and Throat). Awaken your senses with a quick 12-minute morning Sound Bath! I intend on publishing a few of these mini-sessions so that Sound Therapy is accessible to more people. These sessions are designed to be listened to with headphones as this will give you the best listening experience. I hope that you enjoy the session on October 1st!

  • Now Offering Private Sound Therapy Sessions!

    I thought that it would be a great time to announce that I am now offering private Sound Bath sessions! It’s not always possible to make the time to travel to a location and experience Sound Therapy, I totally understand. What better way to experience the soothing energy of the quartz crystal bowls than in the comfort of your own home? If you live within the Southeast Texas area I would love to offer you a private session! If you are interested in booking time for a group event, please don’t hesitate to ask! Schedule an appointment now!

  • Welcome to Sacred Flux!

    Thank you for considering me for your personal and spiritual healing. I hope to show you the various ways that Reiki can be utilized to enhance your life and spiritual journey. Whether you are seeking a private or distance session, my goal is to make Reiki accessible to everyone. My hope is that I can share this gift with you and help facilitate healing for you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Namaste